- SCLA Global provides you with the legal contacts you need to get on with your work anywhere on the planet.

The Annual Net Values of the Members’ Work (Euros)
Attendees of the SCLA Event

The Annual Net Values of the Members’ Work (Euros)
Attendees of the SCLA Event
- Click the map to explore SCLA around the world
- SCLA is an unparalleled global community of lawyers and professionals.
SCLA Global takes the time to establish concrete business objectives with the client or its representative. Based on the expectations of the client or his representative, SCLA Global will define an effective strategy and accompany the client or his representative throughout the process. SCLA Global will then search within its network for the right experts at the right price who will be able to best solve the situation. The experts recruited by SCLA Global are carefully selected. They all have a certified degree of expertise in their field.

Once the experts are in charge of the case, SCLA Global will regularly contact them to check the progress of the case and inform the client or his representative. It will discuss with the client and the experts any foreseeable problems that could lead to a deadlock in the situation or to significant additional costs. Finally, SCLA Global will draw up formal or informal reports so that the client is able to follow the various stages of the process. SCLA Global is always available to listen to the client or his representative, who can raise any concerns or questions.
A global network of lawyers and professional experts
“SCLA Global is a global matchmaker for clients who need lawyers, lawyers who need clients or professional experts, or industry leaders who need to expand their contacts in new countries and markets. Only that unlike a dating app every relationship is a win-win and it’s always amicable!”

“Perhaps what I like the most about working with SCLA Global is that everyone there is just so polite and friendly. It doesn’t feel like work at all, more like a group of old friends.”
- Contact SCLA Global today and find out how we can help you.
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