

The fourth Global Online Forum on Third-Party Funded Arbitration, organized by the Swiss-Chinese Law Association, will be held on April 24 from 17.00-20.00 BST, with judges, lawyers, and academics from more than 30 countries and regions invited to attend. The forum is by invitation only.

The forum will start from the cases of third-party funding in arbitration, with the perspective of comparing the laws of different countries, and discuss in-depth the practice and regulations of third-party arbitration in China, Switzerland, and France, as well as the practice of third party funding in investment arbitration from the perspective of international investment law and the perspective of international commercial arbitration.

本次论坛的主讲嘉宾包括:国际商事仲裁理事会名誉秘书长、前解决投资争端国际中心(ICSID)秘书长AntonioR.Parra,美国·伊朗索赔法庭前法官, 国际常设仲裁法院(PCA)专家组成员KorooshH.Ameli法官,中国仲裁法学研究会常务副秘书长陈建博士、Froriep瑞士合伙人Lucien w Valloni博士、艾克赛斯大律所皇家出庭律师Jern-FeiNg QC,国际商会仲裁院(ICC)仲裁员,法国Altana律所合伙人Caroline Duclercq合伙人以及瑞士Schellenberg Wittmer律所资深律师Philip Wimalasena 博士。论坛将由瑞中法律协会理事张天泽及瑞中法律协会香港联络官李家乐博士主持。

本次参会的部分瑞中法律协会会员有:英属维京群岛前行政长官DanciaPenn QC(英国)、商事仲裁国际理事会(CouncilFor National and International Commercial Arbitration)理事长Saravanan Dhandapani(印度), 中伦律师事务所合伙人高俊(中国)、上海东方剑桥律师事务所主任肖万华(中国)、大成律师事务所合伙人周争平(中国)、律师贺小庭(中国)Chee & Co合伙人YuenFong Chin (马来西亚)、K.C Hue & Co合伙人邱国忠(马来西亚)、Schellenberg Wittmer律师LukaGroselj(瑞士)、De Bedin & Lee Llp律所Raphael Zumsteg(瑞士)、Swiss Legal合伙人 Isabelle Fellrath(瑞士)、RugglePartner律所合伙人Peter Ruggle(瑞士)、WickiPartners Ag 合伙人Balthasar Wicki(瑞士)、Turac AG全球执行董事HeleneSchaub(瑞士)、Andersen Rages Stbges Mbh合伙人Hermann Knott(德国)

此外,出席本此论坛共有超过30余个国家和地区的逾100名合伙人、法官、律师、政府官员及学者受邀出席。其中知名的与会者包括包括英国DanielBrennan QC,勋爵、奥地利LiebscherDispute Management合伙人、澳大利亚Mayer& Brown 合伙人Mark C. Dempsey阿根廷Beccar Varela律所合伙人Fernando Kreser巴西Kincaid – Mendes Vianna Advogados律所合伙人Jessica Antunes、保加利亚NewBalkans Law Office律所合伙人Yavor Markov、加拿大Mortazavi Consulting Inc合伙人Matt Mortazavi、塞浦路斯C.D.Messios Llc合伙人Efi Iosif德国DlaPiper合伙人Lars Holst、加纳Legal Alliance 合伙人Yaw Adjei Afriyie Nketiah、印度MzmLegal合伙人Waseem Pangarkar印度尼西亚 InternationalOil & Gas Consultant顾问Iain Mcintosh意大利Withers Studio Legale合伙人Andrea Ricci、日本Anderson Mori & Tomotsune事务所合伙人AoiInoue、马来西亚University Technology Mara法学院教授 Shahrizal M Zin蒙古国Anand Advocates Llp合伙人Enkhtsetseg Nergui、荷兰DeBrauw Blackstone Westbroek合伙人Erin Cronje、尼日利亚Oriaje Law Chambers出庭大律师IsmailaToyin Kudaisi、巴基斯坦LjazAhmed & Associates合伙人Altaf Qureshi罗马尼亚HristescuSi Asociatii合伙人Irina Dragnea俄罗斯Klochenko& Kuznetsova 律所合伙人Lilia Klochenko、新加坡律政部官员Xinyuan Ng、斯洛伐克LawFirm Peter Slavik 合伙人PeterSlávik、瑞士MeyerlustenbergerLachenal Ltd合伙人FlorianMuller、泰国HerbertSmith Freehills (Thailand) Ltd 合伙人、土耳其MorogluArseven Avukatlik Ortakligi 合伙人ErgunBenan Arseven阿联酋ACWAPower律师Dalia ADEL、乌干达Birungyi, Barata and Associates合伙人CaphasBirungyi等。

The keynote speakers of this forum include: AntonioR Parra, Honorary Secretary-general of the International Commercial Arbitration Council and former Secretary-general of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), Judge KorooshH Ameli, former Judge of the US-Iran Claims Tribunal and member of the Panel of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), Dr. Chen Jian, Executive Deputy Secretary General of China Arbitration Law Society, Dr. Lucien W Valloni, Swiss partner of Froriep, Jern-Feing QC, Royal Barrister of Exes LLP, arbitrator of ICC, Caroline Duclercq, Partner, Altana, France and Dr Philip Wimalasena, Senior counsel, Schellenberg Wittmer, Switzerland. The forum will be moderated by The Director of swISs-China Law Society, Mr Cheung Tin Chak, and the Liaison Officer of swiss-China Law Society in Hong Kong, Dr Lee Ka Lok.

Some of the members of Swiss-China Law Association are as follows: DanciaPenn QC (UK), former chief executive of the British virgin islands, and Saravanan, director general of the CouncilFor National and International Commercial Arbitration Dhandapani (India), Gao Jun (China), Partner of Zhonglun Law Firm, Xiao Wanhua (China), Director of Shanghai Oriental Cambridge Law Firm, Zhou Zhengping (China), Partner of Dacheng Law Firm, He Xiaoting (China), YuenFong Chin, partner of Chee & Co (Malaysia), khoo kwok-chung, partner of k. Hue & Co (Malaysia), LukaGroselj, lawyer of Schellenberg Wittmer (Switzerland), De Bedin & Lee Raphael Zumsteg, Llp (Switzerland), Isabelle Fellrath, partner, Swiss Legal (Switzerland), Peter Ruggle, partner, RugglePartner (Switzerland), WickiPartners Ag Partners Balthasar Wicki (Switzerland), HeleneSchaub (Switzerland), global managing director of Turac AG, and Hermann Knott (Germany), partner of Andersen Rages Stbges Mbh.

In addition, more than 100 partners, judges, lawyers, government officials and scholars from more than 30 countries and regions have been invited to attend the forum. Notable participants included DanielBrennan QC, Lord, United Kingdom, partner at LiebscherDispute Management, Austria, Mark c. Dempsey, partner at Mayer& Brown, Australia, and Beccar, Argentina Fernando Kreser, a partner at Varela; Jessica Antunes, a partner at Kincaid-Mendes Vianna Advogados in Brazil; And Yavor, a partner at Newgrad Law Office in Bulgaria Markov; Matt Mortazavi, partner of Mortazavi Consulting Inc, Canada; Efi Iosif, partner of C.D.Messios Llc, Cyprus; Lars Holst, partner of DLAPper, Germany; Legal, Ghana Yaw Adjei Afriyie Nketiah, partner, Alliance; Waseem Pangarkar, partner, MzmLegal, India; and Iain, Consultant, InternationalOil & Gas Consultant, Indonesia Andrea Ricci, partner at Withers Studio Legale in Italy, AoiInoue, partner at Anderson Mori & Tomotsune in Japan, University Technology in Malaysia Shahrizal M Zin, Professor at Mara Law School; Enkhtsetseg Nergui, Partner at Anand Advocates Llp, Mongolia; Erin, Partner at DeBrauw Blackstone Westbroek, The Netherlands Cronje, barrister IsmailaToyin Kudaisi, Oriaje Law Chambers, Nigeria; Altaf Qureshi, partner, LjazAhmed & Associates, Pakistan; HristescuSi, Romania Irina Dragnea, partner at Asociatii; Lilia Klochenko, partner at Klochenko& Kuznetsova, Russia; Xinyuan Ng, official at the Ministry of Justice, Singapore; And Peter Slavik, LawFirm, Slovakia Partner PeterSlavik, Swiss MeyerlustenbergerLachenal FlorianMuller Ltd partners, Thailand HerbertSmith Freehills (Thailand) Ltd Partner ErgunBenan Arseven, Partner of MorogluArseven Avukatlik Ortakligi, Turkey; Dalia ADEL, lawyer of ACWAPower, UAE; Birungyi, Uganda; CaphasBirungyi, partner, Barata and Associates, et al.

SCLA’s monthly global online forums provide a cutting-edge, cutting-edge, open platform for discussion of cutting-edge legal issues around the world, with the goal of participating in and influencing the world’s rule-making. The monthly online forum will be held on the Friday of the last week of each month, with May’s topic being electronic arbitration and June’s topic being force majeure. Stay tuned. Membership applications are available at and are reviewed at the monthly board meetings at the end of each month.


The SCLA is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that was established in 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.

SCLA GENEVA HEADQUARTER: Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 8, 1206 Genève, Switzerland / +41-(0)22-8860888

SCLA VIENNA:Nauschgasse 4/3/2, A198, 1220 Vienna, Austria/ +43-1-4420113

SCLA SHENZHEN: 6-112, Qianhai SZ-HK Youth Factory, Shenzhen / +86-755-83236806