

Ms.Yue HUANG is currently the Aviation Environment Manager of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), mainly engaged in aviation and environmental negotiations. Ms. Huang is also one of the founding members of the Swiss-Chinese Legal Association (SCLA).

In this interview, Ms. Huang shared her vision about how Chinese lawyers could be more actively involved in the international rule-making process to promote Sino-Swiss collaboration.

As the heart of Europe, Switzerland has always maintained a tradition of neutrality and diversity. For this reason, Switzerland has become the preferred location for major international organizations, including the United Nations(UN), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Meanwhile, Switzerland has played an important role in the international rule-making process. As a “traffic rule” for the international economic game, reasonable international rules can reduce transaction costs, stabilize expectations and reduce uncertainties among countries.

Ms.Huang believes that under the context of the current China-US trade war, Chinese companies and Chinese legal professionals need to be familiar with international rules, apply international rules, and participate in the international rule-making process. During the process of formulating rules, Chinese legal professionals can have their lawful interests reflected in the rules and safeguard the rights of China and Chinese companies.

When it comes to promoting Chinese legal professionals participating into the international rule-making process, Ms. Huang said that it is the key to bringing Chinese legal professionals with common aspirations to a transparent platform in which they can openly share their practice of international legal. The reason why the transparent platform is so important is because the laws and jurisprudence are all written on the paper when Chinese legal professionals know them. They do not know the formatting process of the rules and the game behind each case.

The Swiss-Chinese Law Association (SCLA) is acting as a platform. There are not only Chinese legal professionals, but also legal professionals from Swiss top law firms and officials from international organizations. The association can utilize its influence to provide the members of the association with the most accurate resources and to find the top experts in the industry. The SCLA intends to promote cooperation at the association level or at the enterprise level in order to help Chinese legal professionals to reflect their demands in the rule-making process. 

Lastly, Ms. Huang expressed her appreciation for many Chinese legal professionals from Chinese top law firms who have participated in the association and her wish to promote the process of Swiss-Chinese cooperation through the association.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is a large international organization composed of airlines all over the world. Its main responsibility is to manage issues such as fares and dangerous goods transportation in civil aviation transportation, to coordinate intergovernmental policies through air transport companies, and to solve practical operational problems.

The Swiss-Chinese Law Association (SCLA) is an international law association, based in Geneva, Switzerland. The association strengthens legal understanding and cooperation between Switzerland and China by promoting exchanges between lawyers, academics, the public sectors, and the private sectors. The main service areas include international investment, dispute resolution, mergers and acquisitions, public policy, and international organization relations.


The SCLA is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that was established in 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.

SCLA GENEVA HEADQUARTER: Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 8, 1206 Genève, Switzerland / +41-(0)22-8860888

SCLA VIENNA:Nauschgasse 4/3/2, A198, 1220 Vienna, Austria/ +43-1-4420113

SCLA SHENZHEN: 6-112, Qianhai SZ-HK Youth Factory, Shenzhen / +86-755-83236806